October 9, 2024

Interview with the Well Known Romanin Author Adrian Dumitru

Adrian Dumitru is a renowned Romanian author whose works focus on self-therapy, personal growth, and the deeper reflections of life. With a background as a former businessman, Adrian brings a unique perspective to his writing, blending real-life experiences with profound emotional insights. His books, which often explore themes of love and self-discovery, have resonated with readers globally, accumulating hundreds of thousands of downloads.

Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing Adrian about his journey as an author. During our conversation, we discussed his approach to writing as a therapeutic outlet, the challenges he’s faced, and his shift from chasing success to embracing writing as a personal journey. Below is our interview with Author Adrian Dumitru. I hope this conversation inspires you as much as it did me!


1. Hello Adrian! Can you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

Well … i am not so good telling things about myself.
I am mostly … an essayist.
I write.
I write a lot … but all being a representation of my thoughts, feelings and emotions is more about sort of a self therapy.

2. What initially inspired you to become an author?

I laugh remembering.
I wrote a book, which was never finished … about ufos.
Today i write mainly about love it almost looks the same subject 😀

3. You’ve described your writing journey as a form of self-therapy. How did writing become a tool for healing and self-discovery for you?

I deeply analyse all.
My life.
Why journey.
My thoughts.
All i feel.
And try to redefine all I dislike.

4. After facing challenges and setbacks in your writing journey, what kept you motivated to continue? How did you shift from chasing success to embracing writing as a personal journey?

I was many times and i still am in top positions in best seller list in Amazon and Apple books.
One day … i even had 10.000 downloads.
But later on I’ve realised that this is not the journey to success.
The real one is to influence the world we are living into a good way.
And i personally write about self therapy.
Also about a real case scenario.
My own life.


5. As a writer, how do you make a living? Is it possible to earn money solely by writing books?

I think is a long journey to make money from writing.
I am an ex businessman, so i guess i am lucky enough to get money from other sources … but … never know …

6. Many writers struggle to turn their passion into a profitable career. How did you transition from writing for yourself to earning an income from your books?

Almost all my books are free.
I sell just ebooks.
I guess we must forget about money when it comes to writing.
Is like you have an addiction for fishing and you would expect to be paid that you stay on the lake adoring fishing.
So … we should see the full picture much more realistic.

7. What strategies or business models have been effective for you in monetizing your writing, and how can aspiring writers use these to create sustainable income streams?

I guess the best should be with blogs.
Connect with influencers and ask help for promoting your books, but i guess it is a long journey to monetisation.
I don’t think of money.
Not yet … at least.
Even if i have about 300.000 downloads for my books.

8. As both a writer and an entrepreneur, what advice would you give to others looking to make a living from their books? Are there any marketing or publishing strategies that have worked particularly well for you?

Try to get a real job and be paid for it.
But maybe work only 4-6 hours a day.
Use the rest of your time for writing.
Forget about money if you want to be an author.
Offer your books for free.
Allow people to read your perceptions without asking money from them.

Thank you for joining us in this discussion, and I hope you found inspiration in Adrian’s journey as much as I did! If you’re inspired by Adrian’s insights and want to explore his works further, I encourage you to check out his books available on various platforms. You can connect with Adrian and discover more about his writing journey through the following links:

Connect with Adrian via,

Amazon Store

Apple Books

Google Play

We Heart Entrepreneurs

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