September 10, 2024

Interview with Katherine Appello – Writer, Coach and the founder of KANY Coaching

Katherine Appello is a Writer, Coach and the founder of KANY Coaching. She is born in New York, raised in New Jersey who has been writing for years. As the founder of KANY Coaching, she offers tools such as e-books, meditations, webinars to inspire and empower women. Don’t forget to check her blog which includes a good collection of helpful articles. Recently we could interview her about her entrepreneurial journey and below is what she had to say. We hope this interview will inspire you.

Interview with Katherine Appello

1. Hello Katherine! Please tell us about yourself.

I am a Christian Italian-American artist and coach, born in New York, raised in New Jersey.

2. Your journey started as an artist until you became an entrepreneur. Please share more about your journey.

I have been writing, participating in armature nights as far back as I can remember. When fibromyaglia hit and it hard, turned my life upside down and I had to quit my job as a teaching assistant, couldn’t do all the things I used to do, after a struggle with all that coming to an end, I decided to focus on the arts and blogging, sharing my journey.

3. What inspired you to launch KANY Coaching?

When I got feedback, including how my songs had saved people’s faith and more, and my friends pointed out that I have always been there for them and been spot on in my advice, realized I could make a huge impact on lives and society. That is what brought me to the creation of this coaching hub which offers tools such as e-books, meditations, webinars and the blog of course to inspire and empower.

4. Did you face any difficulties or challenges in your journey as a female entrepreneur? How did you handle the challenges?

Females have to seemingly work harder to be taken seriously as an authority. I feel the way to counter that is by offering quality work and content.

5. As a female entrepreneur, would you like to share some advice for others who want to become entrepreneurs?

My advice is to be clear in who you are, what you wish to achieve, find good mentors and networking groups, supportive tribe and have a plan on how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Thanks, Katherine for this interview.

You can read more about Katherine Appello, Writer, Coach and the founder of KANY Coaching by visiting her website:

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We Heart Entrepreneurs

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