October 10, 2024

Interview with Taiz Coe, Founder of Eudunia

Taiz Coe is the Founder of Eudunia and she is a young female entrepreneur . Recently we had a chance to interview her regarding her entrepreneurial journey. During this interview, Taiz Coe shared her story as an entrepreneur including the challenges and inspirations she faced in her life.

Below is our interview with her. We are sure her ideas and experiences as a young female entrepreneur will inspire you.

Taiz Coe

1. Hello! Can you please tell us about yourself?

Hello there, thanks for having me. 

I am Thais Coelho, known as Taiz Coe, a 32 years old entrepreneur, founder of Eudunia. 

I bounced between organizations, startups, and the corporate world in the past decade, always positively impacting people’s lives or businesses. Now, I am back and pursuing a long term trajectory with Eudunia.

I was born in Brazil. Growing up, I always had this idea of experiencing life somewhere else, get to know as many people and cultures I could.      

As a young adult, I was already living in France, Germany, Spain, and traveled to dozens of countries worldwide. I consider myself a world citizen. Where are you from has been a question difficult to answer for some time.

So, you can guess I am institutionalizing what I feel like to be my heart mission, and I know well that there are some millions of people worldwide that feel and will accompany me on that.

2. Why did you decide to start Eudunia? What inspired you?

I unmistakably respect and understand why borders still exist as a cultural and economical way to manage individuals. It is a historical process.

However, I believe that not everyone is made or will prosper where they were born. And I do not mean prosperity only in a financial way; I mean prosperity in its whole sense, happiness, balanced lives, and shared ideas with your surroundings.

 Undoubtedly, some people will better succeed in their studies in another country, a product will serve another region better, and like-minded friends will be easily found in another city.

Only those who had access and recognize the importance of this experience will know it. My goal is to broaden the option and let more people find it out : We belong to the same tiny blue dot, which is big enough not to let us live and die in the same place.

3. Eudunia’s primary goal is to enhance immigration and to expand educational, professional, and entrepreneurial endeavors in a borderless manner. Don’t you think this is challenging?

It is definitely challenging, especially now, as we live in a profound crisis of dichotomic ideas.

 Eudunia is an international pass that allows location-dependent entrepreneurs, academics, and professionals residency in different countries. With Eudunia, they will have their success histories in their hands, from community action to academic and professional track. It is a nonprofit and for-profit organization. The nonprofit Eudunia will allow world access to brilliant and community-active individuals from developing countries.

 So, when I approach the social side of it, individuals tend to interpret it as if I am bringing an avalanche of foreigners to steal their jobs. When I approach the economic side of it, so free access to entrepreneurs worldwide, other individuals tend to interpret it as if I am crashing their countries with monopolies and the dark side of capitalism.

 Quite laughable, but this happens. There is no mistake, Eudunia will improve at the same time people’s lives and economies worldwide.

My current and main challenges are local policies that must be approved in different countries’ Congresses and fact-check local all-kinds-traffic and counter-terrorism measures, especially in European countries in the Schengen area, where locals have already freedom to move. It is all very bureaucratic, and one must have patience.

4. Did you face any difficulties or challenges when you decide to launch Eudunia? As a female entrepreneur, how did you face the challenges?

The biggest challenge has always been myself. Eudunia is a big and complex project that will take years to fully be executed. It is the biggest leap of faith in my life.
 I try not to take my failures as a young wannabe entrepreneur of 10 years ago as personal, but I cannot help. I was beaten and defeated in my past startup life. It is a trauma. Now, leaving the corporation world to pursue rounds of funding and face critics is a big step. 

Be again an entrepreneur in my 30’s, however, gave me time to exercise and develop clarity and emotional strength. To be more patient, think strategically. In the past I rebelled, burned bridges and left projects that mattered to me because I expected people to behave with integrity and honesty.
Thankfully, my mindset changed. Also, I cannot help but to be thankful for my corporation time, that taught me so much on how to deal with with difficult people.

5. As a young female entrepreneur, would you like to share some advice for others who want to become entrepreneurs?

For everything in life, do not take things personally. Specially sexism.

People are a product of the society where they live, and we have no choice but to face the monster while we are working on the change. Do not burn bridges, know the people you can count on early in your trajectory, do rely on your gut feelings and keep the distance from the rotten apples. Business is all about people, including those that you despise.

We are sure this interview with Taiz Coe is really inspiring.As she says it was not a smooth journey for her to launch Eudunia. Her story is a great inspiration to other wannabe entrepreneurs.

You can connect with Taiz Coe in below platforms.
website: www.eudunia.com

Instagram : @eudunia
Contact : info@eudunia.com

We Heart Entrepreneurs

We Heart Entrepreneurs is a blog that shares Journey of Successful Entrepreneurs and tips for being successful.

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