September 10, 2024

Interview with Joey Jones, Influencer, Communications Leader & Political Candidate

Recently we interviewed Joey Jones who is an experienced Public Affairs Officer. He is an Influencer and a communications professional with working experience in marketing and advertising programs at Madigan Army Medical Center. We like to introduce him as a seasoned communication strategist.

Below is our interview where Joey shared his experience, thoughts and advice to emerging entrepreneurs. Read it and let us know your thoughts. We hope the journey of Joey Jones will inspire you!

1. Hello Joey, Please tell us about yourself

Well I’m from a small town in the southeast, Warner Robins, Ga at Robins Air Force Base; I have lived all over the globe supporting the military in various capacities. I joined the Air Force In 2001, although it didn’t work out due to an injury in training, I got out ended up at RAF Mildenhall as an active-duty military spouse. While there, I taught myself web design, coding, and marketing. I attended the University of Maryland Europe on base to study business and paralegal science.  I began my federal employment journey working for tips bagging groceries at the commissary and bugging the manager about positions. My first Job was as a cashier at the lowest GS paygrade and worked my way up. I did Instrumental music as a hobby and launch a very successful website that ended up having credits on hundreds of TV shows along the way. The real-world experience of running an online business, what I learned in school, and moving up the ladder in federal service gave me such an amazing learning and growth opportunity to craft unique, mission focused management style. Fast forward to 2021, and now I am the Patient Communications & Marketing Officer for Madigan Army Medical Center, the U.S. Army’s second largest Military Treatment facility which also has outlying clinics in the Puget Sound Area as well as California. To be in such a vital lead role as a healthcare communicator for over 100,000 active duty service members, their families and retirees it is a great honour and privilege.

2. We can see that you are a Public Speaker and Influencer who inspire the youth. Please tell us more about it.

I have spoken to at-risk youth in forum type settings around the country and also just out in the community itself. I think our young people are our future and we must be willing to do even a small part to give guidance and direction. I truly believe that sharing experience that can help someone with yes years avoid certain pitfalls by learning from people who have been in their shoes before, is a force multiplier that can be reciprocated later when that kids gets older and mentors. Each one, teach one.  Paying it forward in this sense is something I live by.

3. Why did you decide to launch the campaign for City Council Position 4, for University Place, Washington? What inspired you?

In the instances I have seen our citizens come together, in profound ways has always inspired me.  We hear so many folks discuss and argue politics that things have become so divisive. Instead of talking, I wanted to start “doing” and create a path forward with people from all walks of life in a way that can utilize my management skills and leadership experience to create real solutions for our community. There are many issues I am passionate about that I feel I can affect here in my local community in University Place Washington that may set an example for other parts of Washington State. I’m committed to supporting our most vulnerable residents like our seniors. I believe we have an opportunity as developers are incentivized to build more housing, to explore including more intricate design standards, just as an example, we had a record heat wave this summer. Let make sure we take care of those who are without for next year.  I support programs that increase housing, jobs and keeping U.P. a safe place to live work, play and raise a family. I believe in a conservative and responsible budget that keeps University Place a city of desired destination for new business. We have several beautiful parks in University Place that need some enhancements as far as “line of sight” that some residents may feel safer in taking advantage of and getting outside. I think our first responders, firefighters and law enforcement officers are a gold standard as far as their dedication, professionalism and hard work. With everything that has gone on in the last couple of years in our country, I find great comfort and pride in that, and so do our citizens.

4. Would you like to share advice to our readers who are interested in entrepreneurship? How they can help the community while trying to be successful entrepreneurs?

Always give it 110% and stay focused! Remaining humble and being ambitious aren’t incompatible traits at all. Always follow your moral compass on what’s the best direction to go while also being educated in the endeavours you pursue. It’s very easy to become preoccupied with things that aren’t as meaningful as being true to who you are and what your mission is. You have to stand for something. Bending at the whim of wind is a sure-fire way to failure.  Being decisive is the difference between what path you put yourself on and where it takes you.

To read more about Joey Jones, influencer, communications leader & political candidate , visit his campaign website:

We Heart Entrepreneurs

We Heart Entrepreneurs is a blog that shares Journey of Successful Entrepreneurs and tips for being successful.

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