October 23, 2024

Interview with Shubhada Bhide, Founder of RainbowDiaries, Influencer and Founder of SocialMediaMomSG

RainbowDiaries is a popular parenting and lifestyle media in Singapore which is founded by Shubhada Bhide. She is an IT professional working full time with passion for social media. She has been an inspiration for many moms in Singapore through her blog posts and other initiatives such as SocialMediaMomSG. Therefore we thought of interviewing her to know more about her journey as an influencer and a blogger.

Interview with Shubhada Bhide

During this interview Shubhada shared about how she started her journey as an influencer together with how entrepreneurs can engage influencers for their marketing campaigns.

Below is our interview with Shubhada Bhide. Hope you will find it as inspiring!

1. Hello Shub! Can you please tell us about yourself?

Hi all, this is Shubhada – call me Shub. I’m the mom behind RainbowDiaries.com – One of the leading parenting and lifestyle media in Singapore.

Originally from the Maximum city of Mumbai, India, I have called sunny Singapore as my home for last 13 years. I’m an IT professional working in a day job and all my social media pursuits are passion projects.

I am a mom of two wonderful kids and my husband is my pillar of strength.

Interview with Shubhada Bhide

2. What inspired you to start your blog Rainbow Diaries? Please share more about it.

The inspiration behind this thriving social media channels that collectively consist of a loving 50K+ family of readers, followers and likes came from a very simple thought to Share, Care and Grow! It was an idea to combine the Superpower of Motherhood with Social Media.

The motivation to start Facebook groups, pages, blogs, Instagram accounts came from the new and ever changing phases of my own family life. The transformations I underwent as a wife, as a mother, as an expat, as a working woman and my interactions with the fellow mums were the big boosters to embark the social media journey.

Parenting blogger interview

3. As a blogger and influencer how do you help businesses to grow?

As a media, RainbowDiaries has been collaborating with many brands for quite a few years whether they are established brands or emerging startups. At RainbowDiaries.com, we pen down our experiences when we use various products or try services. Our first-hand opinions definitely add a big boost to the value of the product / service.

At the same time, we have a big community of Singapore Fempreneurs on our Facebook and WhatsApp. These platforms facilitate them to share about their ventures and generate leads.

4. Do you think influencer marketing is still powerful? What is your idea on this?

Over the years, in my humble opinion, there is a shift in the way Influencer Marketing is done. For example: along with celebrities, there is a lot of emphasis on engaging real life people for campaigns. I feel this is indeed a welcome trend and the honest and organic opinions coming from different sections of the society are much needed and much valued.

Interview with Shubhada Bhide

5. What is your story behind launching SocialMediaMomSG platform? We like to know more about it.

I was seeking more meaningful conversations and sharing while interacting with others on WhatsApp and that’s how I along with my 2 friends – Kavita and Saraswathi launched SocialMediaMomSG as a WhatsApp group. Within no time it grew to over 4 almost full WhatsApp groups. The response has been very encouraging. We would love to grow this platform as a channel to bring moms and mompreneurs together where they all can support and lead each other to success.

6. As a popular blogger and influencer in Singapore, would you like to share some advice to other entrepreneurs who wish to engage influencers for their marketing campaigns? 

Personally, I always believe that we all are influencers in our own right. Entrepreneurs who wish to engage influencers for their campaigns should check the statistics – not only follower numbers but audience insights, engagement rate and so on. At the same time, content is always the King so Entrepreneurs also should go for the quality photos and quality captions.

Hope you enjoyed reading this interview with the Singapore parenting & lifestyle blogger Shubhada Bhide. To connect with her, below are the links to her blog and social media.

Blog: www.RainbowDiaries.com

Social media: www.instagram.com/Shub_SG

We Heart Entrepreneurs

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